Selected Course List
Below is a list of selected courses in which I have enrolled at UMass Amherst and Middlebury College.
UMass Amherst (M.S., 2024-2025)
- Geography 626: Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation
- Environmental Conservation 638: Spatial Databases and Data Interoperability
- Geography 668: GIS and Spatial Analysis (Spring 2025)
- Environmental Conservation 640: Python for ArcGIS (Spring 2025)
- Environmental Conservation 637: Spatial Data Analysis in R (Spring 2025)
- Geography 693: WebGIS (Spring 2025)
- Geography 585: Introduction to GIS
Middlebury College (B.A., 2020-2024)
- Geography 361: Open GIScience
- Geography 310: Conservation Planning
- Geography 271: Cartography
- Geography 261: Human Geography with GIS
- Geography 150: Mapping Global Environmental Change
- Statistics 218: Statistical Learning
- Biology 211: Biostatistics