This is a website to display my GIS-related work from Middlebury College. I am a senior at Middlebury majoring in Conservation Biology, which is a major that combines Environmental Studies and Biology. Beyond the required GIS class GEOG 0150: Mapping Global Environmental Change, I have also completed the course GEOG 0310: Conservation Planning, in which students contributed to a conservation plan for the Town of Middlebury. I am currently enrolled in the course GEOG 0361: Open GIScience.

  • In GEOG 0150 (Fall 2022), I gained experience with spatial analysis in Google Earth Engine (GEE).
  • In GEOG 0310 (Spring 2023), I gained further experience with spatial analysis in GEE and learned to integrate results from GIS analyses into reports designed to be read by a non-scientific audience. I also became familiar with WhiteboxTools.
  • In GEOG 0361 (Fall 2023), I am currently learning about conducting spatial analysis in R. Students in this course critically examine past GIS studies to judge whether they are reproducible and contribute to reproduction studies authored by Professor Joseph Holler.